Tuesday 31 January 2012


In our sandbox this week we had Tony Hirst from OUseful.info come in and deliver a great session on both mapping data using google docs, yahoo pipes as well as Gephi to map social networks. This is how we created a map of the UK's largest towns and cities by population.

We created location based spreadsheet by scraping a Wikipedia table, then published it as a csv spreadsheet using google docs.

Piped csv file through yahoo pipes - using regex & location builder module -

Run pipe - creates yahoo map.
copy link from "get as kml" and pasts into maps.google.com
Can embed:

View Larger Map

Friday 27 January 2012

Olympic Stadium Timeline

Olympic Stadium Timeline test for ELO.
I've been working on an interactive timeline for East London Olympics about the history of the Olympic Stadium so far.
I created two versions as the first created using Dipity is ad supported ($99p/m to get rid of them!), the second was using timetoast which is not ad supported and loads quicker, isn't as visually interesting.